Curriculum Vitae
Daniel Wortel-London
New York University, Doctoral Candidate, History Department
(September 2014-expected Defense May 2020, advanced to candidacy September 2016)
The Graduate Center, CUNY, Master of Arts in History, September 2011
Ramapo College of New Jersey, Bachelor of Arts in History and American Studies, September 2008, Summa Cum Laude
Title: In Debt to Growth: Real Estate and the Political Economy of Public Finance in New York City, 1880-1973.
Committee: Andrew Needham (Chair), Thomas Sugrue, Kimberly Phillips-Fein, Owen Gutfreund, Mason Williams.
Expected Defense: May 2020
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
“All’s Fare: Subways and the development of New York Metropolitan Politics, 1904- 1933” in Joseph Heathcott, Jonathan Soffer and Rae Zimmerman, eds., Urban Infrastructure: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from History and the Social Sciences. Under contract to the University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020,
“A Second Gilded Age? The Promises and Perils of an Analogy” Co-authored with Boyd Cothran. Accepted for publication in the Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era for April of 2020,
“Outside the World of Tomorrow: New York Labor and the Public Sphere in the 1939-1940 New York World's Fair." Journal of Urban History 40, no. 6 (July 2, 2014): 1011-027,
“Banca Stabile: Serving Immigrants’ Financial Needs” “The Amalgamated Bank: Financier of Labor’s City” “The Richest Woman in America: Hetty Green on Wall Street” in Steven Jaffe and Jessica Lautlin, eds., Capital of Capital: Money, Banking, and Power in New York City, 1784-2012 (New York: Columbia University Press, 2014).
"Progress and Authenticity: Urban Renewal, Urban Tourism, and the Meanings of Mid- Twentieth-Century New York." Journal of Tourism History 5, no. 2 (January 14, 2013): 172-84,
External Fellowships, Awards and Research Grants
Jefferson National Fellow, Jefferson Scholars Foundation (Formerly Miller Center Fellowship) (Spring 2019-Spring 2020)
Louis Galambos National Fellow in Business and Politics, Hagley Museum and Library (Spring 2019-Spring 2020)
Clarence S. Stein Institute for Urban and Landscape Studies Fellowship, Cornell University School of Architecture, Arts and Planning (Summer 2019-Spring 2020)
Larry J. Hackman Research Residency, New York State Archives, (Spring 2019-Fall 2020)
Internal Fellowships, Awards, and Research Grants
Bessie and George Levy Prize, New York University (Spring 2019)
Polonsky Foundation Digital Humanities Internship (Summer 2016, declined)
Henry H. MacCracken Fellowship. Five-year Fellowship from New York University (awarded 2014)
Teaching Experience
New York University Tandon School of Engineering
“Introduction to New York City Infrastructure” (Spring 2019)
Designed and Taught Course as Adjunct Instructor of Record
College of Staten Island, CUNY
“History of the United States City” (Summer 2012)
Designed and Taught Course as Adjunct Instructor of Record
“US History II:1865-Present” (Summer 2011)
Taught Course as Adjunct Instructor of Record
Hunter College, CUNY
“US History II: 1865-Present” (Spring 2011, Fall 2011)
Taught Course as Adjunct Instructor of Record
“US History I: 1664-1865” (Summer 2009, Summer 2010)
Taught Course as Adjunct Instructor of Record
City College, CUNY
“US History II: 1865-Present” (Fall 2009)
Taught Course as Adjunct Instructor of Record
“US History Survey: 1664-Present” (Spring 2010)
Taught Course as Adjunct Instructor of Record
Conference Presentations
Policy History Conference, Tempe Arizona, Presenter, “Progress and Property Taxes: Henry George and the Geography of Taxation in New York City, 1877-1916,” to present June 5, 2020.
Jefferson National Scholars Foundation Conference, University of Virginia, Presenter, “On What Grounds: The Public Costs of Private Growth in Metropolitan New York,” to present May 14th, 2020.
Seminar on the History of American Capitalism, John Hopkins University, Presenter, “In Debt to the Suburbs: The fiscal geography of 1920s New York,” to present March 18th, 2020.
Hagley Museum and Library Research Seminar Series, Presenter, “Private Growth, Public Costs: Municipal Finance and Reform in New York City, 1877-1913,” January 23, 2020.
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Urban Infrastructure, History and the Social Sciences, NYU Paris, Presenter, “All’s Fare: Subways and the Development of New York Metropolitan Politics, 1904-1933.” May 30-June 1, 2018.
Urban History Association Annual Meeting, Chicago IL, Panel Organizer, “The Social Question Goes to Space: The Political Economy of the Urban Built Environment in the American Gilded Age and Progressive Era.” Presenter, “Lizbeth Cohen: An Appreciation.” October 16, 2016.
Researching New York Conference, University at Albany SUNY, Panel Organizer and Commentator, “The Place and Space of Politics.”
Organization of American Historians Conference, Milwaukee WI, Presenter, “A Contested Public Space: The La Guardia Administration and Labor’s Place in the 1939–40 New York World’s Fair.” April 19, 2012.
American Association of Geographers Conference, New York NY, Presenter, “Building the Great Community: John Dewey and the Public Spaces of Pragmatism.” February 2, 2012.
Modern European Cities Graduate Conference, New York NY, Presenter, “Taking up Space: Worker Geographies in the Industrial North Atlantic,” April 27, 2010.
Warren I. Susman Graduate History Conference, Presenter, “Progress and Authenticity: New York Tourism in the age of Urban Renewal.” March 27, 2010.
International Bicycle History Conference, Presenter, “Keeping a Respectable Distance: Bicycling and class consumption in fin-de-siècle New York.” August 20, 2009.
Academic and Departmental Service
Gotham Center for New York City History at the CUNY Graduate Center, Conference Co-Organizer, “A Second Gilded Age: Historical Parallels, Differences, Lessons.” April 9th, 2019
Graduate Student Editorial Board Member, Journal of the History of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, Fall 2016-Present
Graduate Student Editorial Board Member, Journal of the History of Ideas Blog, 2017-2018
CUNY Graduate Center History Department, “Putting the ‘Public’ in ‘PH.D’: A Roundtable Discussion and Workshop.” Organizer and Presenter, September 5th 2011
Public Engagement and Relevant Professional Activities
History of Capitalism Summer Camp participant, Cornell University, July 2018.
Podcast Host, “London’s New York,” Summer 2017-Present
Co-organizer, Global Mayor’s Parliament Meeting, Seoul SK, Fall 2013
Curatorial Assistant, Museum of the City of New York, Spring 2011- Spring 2014
Co-Organizer, TEDx DUMBO, Fall 2012
Docent, Context Walking Tours, Spring 2011-Present
Assistant Author, Adelphi Public Policy Institute, Fall 2014-Spring 2015
Research Coordinator, Civworld at DEMOS, Fall-2011-Spring 2014
Civics Tutor, Jacob Riis Settlement House, May 2013
Book Reviews in Peer-Reviewed Publications
Review of New York Exposed: The Gilded Age Police Scandal that Launched the Progressive Era by Daniel Czitrom, Journal of Social History 53, No. 3 (Spring 2020), 837-839.
Review of In Union There is Strength: Philadelphia in the Age of Urban Consolidation by Andrew Heath, Business History Review 93, No. 4 (Winter 2019), 841-844.
Guest Lecturer Experience
Columbia University
“Housing Depression-Era New York” (Spring 2020)
Dr. Andrew Dolkart, Instructor
New York University
“Historical Interpretation: New York and Paris” (Spring 2017)
Dr. Andrew Needham, Instructor
“Introduction to New York City’s Infrastructure” (Fall 2016)
Dr. Jonathan Soffer, Instructor
Macaulay Honors College, CUNY
“Planning the Future of NYC” (Spring 2018)
Dr. Sara Martucci, Instructor
Online Publications
Dissent Magazine
“The Fight for Rent Control.” June 2019.
Journal of Urban History Blog
“The Public Costs of Private Growth: Amazon, the Great Depression, and the fiscal history #HQ2 supporters miss.” February 2019.
“Taxing the Land: Henry George, NYC, and the Land Value Tax.” January 2018.
English (reading and writing fluency)
Spanish (reading proficiency)
Andrew Needham
Ph.D in American History, University of Michigan, 2006
Associate Professor of History & Director of Graduate Studies, NYU
Phone: (212) 998-8629
Thomas Sugrue
Ph.D. in History, Harvard University, 1992
Professor; Director of the NYU Collaborative on Global Urbanism; Director of Metropolitan Studies, NYU
Phone: (212) 998-8091
Kim-Phillips Fein
Ph.D. in American History, Columbia University, 2005
Professor, Gallatin School of Individualized Study and History Department, College of Arts and Sciences, NYU
212- 998-7317
Jonathan Soffer
Ph.D in History, Columbia University 1992
Professor, Technology Culture and Society Department Chair; Technology Management and Innovation Department Interim-Chair, NYU Tandon School of Engineering